transformational coaching for life's challenges

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it’s original dimensions.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes
My coach Emily was a delight. I felt relaxed straight away which allowed me to open up. After each session I was surprised at the insights I had gained from talking about my goals and plans, and the sense of clarity gained made me feel optimistic and energised. I would highly recommend this process.
— Chris Gorman


You may know very clearly what you want to change, you may be struggling with a specific challenge or you may just be feeling like something needs to shift in your life. Either way, Coaching gives you the space to explore your challenge or goal at the pace that feels right for you in order to allow you to step courageously towards what you want.


Here's where we shake things up a bit. Together we'll challenge your ways of thinking, your habitual patterns, the lens through which you view the world and your challenges.  This is done without judgment or criticism and is incredibly freeing when you start seeing things from a different angle and realise what's within your power to change and affect.

I confess, this is the bit where you might hate me a little...but I know this is what gets to the good stuff and you'll come back to liking me again soon enough.


You know deep down that the answer is inside you somewhere and always has been, but you just can't quite get there.  Advice hasn't helped as it's someone else's ideas and not quite what you want to do.

This is when coaching comes in.

Coaching doesn't offer you advice. It allows you to find your own way to find what feels right for you. It's a bit like the cloth you use to clean your glasses with - taking things from being fuzzy and jumbled (and sometimes mind-numbingly repetitive) to being clear, focused and achievable.


Using powerful tools and questioning we can help you on your way to gaining clarity, a fresh perspective and the steps you decide to start things shifting even further.

Transformation can be making the tiniest millimetre changes in our lives or jumping in head first and not looking back.  It doesn't matter which, it's about what works for you and both are equally powerful.


There's nothing I love more than seeing someone start to see their own power and ability, to embrace the things they love and to move towards them in small steps or giant leaps.  I'll be your supporter cheering on the sidelines for all that you do during your journey, big or small and obvious or hidden from your view. 

The coaching I was lucky enough to have with Emily blew a breath of fresh air into my way of seeing myself as a professional. I felt like I grew with each session and returned to the next one with renewed gusto! It’s been a wonderful opportunity.
— Riga Forbes
Coaching with Emily has been a remarkable experience. Her warm and comforting nature made every session enjoyable and insightful. I would highly recommend coaching sessions with Emily and encourage anyone to do so, as I can guarantee an experience that will clarify, invigorate and excite.
— Chirag Mehta

Coaching has helped my clients (and me!) make transformational and positive changes and I'm excited to work with you to do the same. Click on the 'Work With Me' button below to book a free Coaching Consultation to have your questions answered and learn how Coaching could help you.


About Me

With a rich and varied career including HR at innocent drinks, teaching on a degree level acupuncture programme and running my health and wellness business I bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and insight to my work.

Ever since I coached rowing at university I realised my passion for working with people, exploring and shifting mindsets, imparting information and helping people to find their way towards mastery, confidence and success.  I am on a mission to help people and businesses reach their full potential and to challenge perceptions, assumptions and beliefs.  My way of working is collaborative, interactive and playful. 

If you want to know a little more about my work as an acupuncturist click here.


  • If you're after a quick fix, coaching probably isn't for you. Things can happen fast but most of the time our habitual patterns that block us from moving forwards can be a bit sticky and need time to change.
  • If you don't want to look at the things that hold you back and be challenged on them, then this may not be the right thing for you. Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Change requires courageous observation of our humanity, patterns and vulnerability.  My job is to support you through this if you're up for it.
  • If you're struggling with severe stress, anxiety or mental health issues there are better places to turn first - coaching isn't a substitute for counselling, psychologists or the advice of your GP.